Apparently these "brevities" were "like those the professional dancers wear," though you have to wonder WHICH kind of professional dancers, since the ones in the picture are...you know...dancing in underwear and high heels.
This March 16th, 1929 advertisement from Best & Co. says that a "bareleg vogue" was approaching, presumably meaning that women would stop wearing stockings. In few months many women would no longer be able to AFFORD stockings, but that would have been more of a financial prediction than a fashion one.
It's worth noting that four of these women have typical '20s hairstyles, but the one on the left is edging into '30s territory. I bet SHE was the first one to lower her skirts, too...or at least she would have done if she weren't a cartoon.
Don't know too much about 1920's under-styles. But I do remember a funny bit about that era.
When I was a kid I was taken to see "Thoroughly Modern Millie" with Julie Andrews. It was set in the '20s; in this scene, Julie had just purchased a new, stylish outfit - hat, top, skirt - and a very slenderized bustline.
As she's walking down the street, sone strap (I imagine) snaps, and her girls resume their former prominence. It was a riot (at least to a young kid back then).
Hopefully our cartoon heroines are not destined for such a wardrobe malfunction!
Yes, I bet Millie's "brevities" were carefully constructed to minimize the bust...which makes me wonder what the theories are for why the bust and hips disappeared during the '20s...a reaction against corsets and bustles, maybe?
A strap snapping can be a bit like death, sometimes.
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