I put up some pictures on Flickr but -- as usual -- they're mostly of the dressing room:

Look at this gorgeous place! There were only three of us performing...and they gave us FOUR MIRRORS! Not to mention the treats and the smiles and the great DJ and the enormous amount of respect for everybody, and a truly stellar bartender.
But I couldn't drink too much because...I drove! My first extended late-night excursion, following Mapquest directions and discovering that my highbeams don't work. And driving in heels. A necessary experience!
Thanks, Guelph, for another wonderful Pride...I'm already looking forward to next year!
classy dress!
It's my "hey, I'm no slouch!" dress, one of several specially reserved for swanky joints and places where I might have my picture taken with politicians.
I'm sorry to have "hit and run" your comment section before, but that pic just radiates exuberance. In spirit, it's a Very Muffy Picture!
The booze helped!
Thanks Reverend. I enjoyed reading all of your comments this morning (I get email notifications), but you'll please pardon me for not going TOO far back and answering them all...going back in time breaks my "blog answer heuristic!"
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