Plus I think they're especially good. I'm not sure if Tamarra Vivian was selective in what she put online, or if she simply avoided those moments when I was gurning like a drowning fish.
First picture: taking advantage of one of the many instrumental breaks in Bow Wow Wow's "I Want Candy."

Second picture: interacting with the crowd without -- you know -- REALLY interacting with them, which would be scary.
I learned this sort of interaction from dogs and cats.

Those are indeed some great shots. You work it, Muffy!
Oh, I did, I did!
Thanks VOV.
You look beautiful! Great legs!
Looking good, Muffy.
It's Bill - still reading; still enjoying.
Thanks, Hilda! I grew them myself. :)
Wait, Bill...WHICH Bill, exactly?
Lovely smile in the first photo! Is that because you are scratching up the lovely floor?
From the looks of it, that floor has been scratched by twenty years' worth of bridesmaids...not to worry, I'm a stepper, not a scratcher!
As for the smile, I learned that from MGM musicals. Looks funny in pictures but actually works quite well "live."
Infatuated 'non-stalker' Bill.
Whew! I thought you were a different Bill, which would have been impossible (and tasteless).
I guess there's almost nothing worse that having unexpected 'bills' show up.
Sorry... a stronger man would have resisted.
Infatuated 'non-stalker' Bill.
Oh LORD! :)
Muffy, you are hot hot hot. Except...why are you so pale? Are you powdering your legs?
"Corpse-white" is my natural skin tone, just one step up from "fish-belly white."
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